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Garden sheds

Wooden Garden Shed Andrew 28mm, 2.4x3.4, 8m²

Wooden garden sheds

Wooden Garden Shed Benjamin 28mm, 1.2x2.4, 2m²

Small garden sheds

Garden Shed Sabina 28mm, 2.5x3.4, 8.5m²

Large garden sheds

Wooden Garden Shed Carlisle, 28mm, 2x3, 6m²

Garden storages

Garden Shed Sabina 28mm, 2.5x3.4, 8.5m²

Garden sheds 8x6

Prefab Wooden Shed Isabella 28mm, 2.5x4.0, 10.0m²

Flat pack garden sheds

Showing all 15 results

Typically, people who buy a cottage or modern house find themselves missing storage space for items like bicycles, scooters, garden and other work tools, and various belongings. The simplest solution is outdoor storage sheds.

Previously, it was common to build not just a residential structure, but also an auxiliary one with or without a garage. Although such fashion has faded, the need for storage space remains. People still store various items and need space for them without cluttering their living area with seldom-used items or leisure equipment. It’s unsafe to keep bicycles, especially children’s, in the garage due to the risk of damaging the car. Therefore, it’s safer to store them in a lockable shed. Similarly, no one wants to maneuver bulky tools like lawnmowers through tight spaces, risking damage to the car. It’s better to keep them in a separate room.

Choosing the right storage shed

Before purchasing an outdoor storage shed, consider a few factors:

  • Assess the size requirement.
  • Determine the material.
  • Ensure security (lockable or without a lock).
  • Decide on the style and color suitable for your space.
  • Consider expectations for durability, quality.
  • What price would be acceptable.

These factors will help you choose the most suitable option.

Determining the size of the storage shed

Consider what you plan to store:

  • Garden and work tools.
  • Leisure equipment.
  • Firewood.
  • Trash containers.
  • Items you don’t want to keep in the house, like a spare set of car tires if you don’t have a lockable garage.
  • Others.

Evaluate the sizes and shapes of the items and think about their storage needs. The more items, the larger the space required. If the right size is not available at, contact us for a custom size.

If you are currently unsure how much you will store, it’s better to choose a larger option.

Material options for storage sheds

Storage sheds are usually made of wood, but larger projects can also be constructed from SIP panels. Wooden sheds look elegant and resemble log cabins. They use high-quality, standardized wood, which is easy to assemble and install, especially for experienced craftsmen. Therefore, it’s advisable to save time and assign the construction to specialists.

The roofing of wooden sheds usually uses bituminous roofing material. You can pour the special foundation yourself or arrange it with our craftsmen.

Doors and security of the shed

If you plan to store non-valuable items like trash containers or firewood, locking isn’t necessary. Simple swinging doors without a lock will suffice.

If you plan to store valuable items like bicycles, scooters, boats, lawn mowers, garden, and work tools, choose lockable doors to prevent easy theft. Contact us for custom models if you don’t find a suitable one in our range.

Style of the storage shed

The style of the shed is important to maintain order in your yard. If it doesn’t match the residential building and other yard or garden structures, it won’t contribute much to the overall order.

If the color of available sheds doesn’t fit your yard’s theme, order the color you want. This will help the shed blend in even with brick or modular homes.

Quality of the shed

We provide a 5-year warranty for wooden sheds. If you have doubts, you can choose SIP or MGO SIP panels, which we would coordinate individually.

Don’t skimp on the rain system to protect the wood from moisture damage. Also, build the shed in a dry, level, or higher place.

Price of the sheds

Price should not be the main criterion for selection. Lower prices often mean poorer quality. Therefore, avoid sheds made from low-quality materials.

The price-to-quality ratio of sheds is appropriate, making them a worthy investment.

Where to build the shed?

Choosing the right location is crucial. If you plan to store firewood for an indoor fireplace, build the shed nearby to avoid long walks through snow in winter.

If storing leisure equipment like bicycles, place the shed near a path for easy access.

Tools for gardening and work should also be easily accessible, so consider convenient access for items like lawnmowers. Think about various details to avoid future frustrations about the shed’s location.

How to order a storage shed?

You can buy a storage shed like a regular product, but we recommend ordering installation services unless you are comfortable with construction work.

For more detailed information, contact us using the contacts provided on the website. If you’re interested in a larger project, like a terrace and a shed or a shed with a dedicated roof, we’re happy to install it for you.

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