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        Container houses

        A house made from a container is one of the newest and increasingly popular solutions in various countries.

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        Creatively used shipping containers can be adapted for permanent living, but are more often used for various work purposes (security personnel, offices, etc.). However, container homes can be assembled not only from metal structures and sheet metal but also from SIP panels and other materials.

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        Who is the Container House for?

        There are various applications, depending on your creativity and needs:

        • For an office;
        • For a summer house;
        • For a garden;
        • For workshops;
        • For commerce;
        • For rental in resort areas;
        • For household needs;
        • Etc.

        As you can see, the possibilities are indeed wide – from utilitarian to comfortable relaxation.

        What are Container Houses Made of?

        The main materials are sheet metal and metal, from which standard logistics containers are made. For insulation, stone wool is commonly used, often “Paroc Ultra 100 mm”.

        Another option is multi-layer Sandwich panels with sheet metal finishing. They can be made from polystyrene, mineral wool, or polyurethane.

        The third option is SIP panels, used for building residential and other types of houses.

        Container Office

        This is an increasingly popular model, adaptable for various business and craft needs. You can build such a mini building on your own or rented land. It’s important that it’s a convenient location for your clients.

        If you’re considering a container option, first think about:

        • How much space you will need for your employees, clients, and yourself to feel comfortable;
        • Whether you need insulation. If you use it only during the warm season, then you don’t need it;
        • What amenities will be required;
        • What else you expect from this building project.

        If you want a reliable option close to a standard building, consider movable cabins made of SIP panels. If you are looking specifically for a container model, you might be interested in cabins with sheet metal finishing. And if you have any doubts – feel free to ask specialists.

        For Trade, Crafts, and Other Activities

        This type of cabin can be easily erected in a market square or another trade-adapted location. Such a kiosk is perfect for selling vegetables, fruits, or industrial goods. If needed, you can also install a refrigerator.

        In a container cabin, you can freely set up, for example, a footwear or mobile phone repair workshop. If you’re looking for a way to move your business activities out of your living spaces, such a separate cabin on your property can be a great solution. Clients will come directly to you, and family members won’t interrupt your work.

        For a Summer House, Garden, and Household Needs

        Many people wonder what the simplest and cheapest garden house would be. We answer – the container option. We will deliver and install a ready-to-use unit. You only need to prepare a suitable, flat, and solid place. You can pour a concrete platform or build on a block paving.

        This could be a space for storing your garden equipment and other household needs. If you need it not just for tools, but also for living, you can:

        • Build a separate storage and cabin;
        • Two container cabins – one for living and one for storage.

        For those looking for a summer house, we recommend thinking about comfort. You want to spend holidays in an aesthetic environment with conveniences. Gone are the days when people would come to their gardens, do work, and rush home. If they stayed overnight, they didn’t have high requirements.

        For those wanting to engage in tourism or looking for cabins for business expansion, we advise choosing movable and container cabins. They are easy to install, set up, and the price is attractive. If you’re undecided about where to buy, contact us and we’ll agree on the best option.

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